Jeff Fisher tweets with the Super Fans, #Cubs-#DBacks Game 1, #Raiders turmoil, #NBA &
#NHL Playoffs, plus comedian Matteo Lane from @houseofcomedyaz joins us in the 3pm hour!
Jeff Fisher tweets with the Super Fans, #Cubs-#DBacks Game 1, #Raiders turmoil, #NBA &
#NHL Playoffs, plus comedian Matteo Lane from @houseofcomedyaz joins us in the 3pm hour!
Jeff Fisher tweets with the Super Fans, #Cubs-#DBacks Game 1, #Raiders turmoil, #NBA &
#NHL Playoffs, plus comedian Matteo Lane from @houseofcomedyaz joins us in the 3pm hour!
Has a sporting event ever made you tear up...or all out cry? Plus Rosen speaks, the Cards make a new video, and more thoughts on the 2019 #NFLSchedule.
Has a sporting event ever made you tear up...or all out cry? Plus Rosen speaks, the Cards make a new video, and more thoughts on the 2019 #NFLSchedule.
Has a sporting event ever made you tear up...or all out cry? Plus Rosen speaks, the Cards make a new video, and more thoughts on the 2019 #NFLSchedule.
It's #NFLSchedule Release Day at 5pm and we can't wait to break it down! Plus playoff choke jobs, #MLB news and notes, Man Talk, and much more!